Wonder in a sentence as a noun

So now you have to wonder, how did his "copious admissions" help him?

Im sure not all of them are bad, but there is enough there to make me wonder whats wrong with this guy.

I wonder if this appointment would have been made 18 months ago when that was still fresh in people's minds.

You might wonder "Well are we more risky than the same aggregate volume spread over N accounts?

"Nobody picks a date and says "from that point on, I'm going to grow up and lose my sense of wonder", but still it happens.

Alternatively, if you are not burned out but also do not have a sense of wonder, it is likely you will never get yourself started on the good work.

I wonder at their job prospects when they are 35, have a family, don't have time to go back to school to learn calculus or what have you, and didn't 'hit' and make **** you money.

Wonder in a sentence as a verb

If you burn yourself out hard, it will be difficult to be effective at any future job you go to, even if it is ostensibly a wonderful job.

It was just kind of a let-down after such a long buildup, and then they started to wonder why they invested the entirety of their twenties into it and question whether that's really what they wanted their life to be.

What else can you configure "so easily" I wonder?Then you get into how they are hacking CSS and iframes into the email body, to substitute for Javascript, and actually create a workable user interface.

I wonder how the photographer would feel if the company that manufactured the trumpet played by Miles Davis had claimed that his photograph violated the copyright of their "sculpture" and the tailor Miles got his suit from also protested.

I don't think I've ever gagged quite like that while reading a technical article describing a "neat hack".At first I'm thinking, oh, I wonder how they convinced Apple to let them use some private APIs, and then... curiosity turns to revulsion as soon as I saw that proxy diagram.

It's no wonder that trials by jury are becoming so vanishingly rare that even the Supreme Court has written that "in todays criminal justice system, the negotiation of a plea bargain, rather than the unfolding of a trial, is almost always the critical point for a defendant.

Wonder definitions


the feeling aroused by something strange and surprising

See also: wonderment admiration


something that causes feelings of wonder; "the wonders of modern science"

See also: marvel


a state in which you want to learn more about something

See also: curiosity


have a wish or desire to know something; "He wondered who had built this beautiful church"

See also: inquire enquire


place in doubt or express doubtful speculation; "I wonder whether this was the right thing to do"; "she wondered whether it would snow tonight"

See also: question


be amazed at; "We marvelled at the child's linguistic abilities"

See also: marvel