Womanise in a sentence as a verb

Hey, what have you got against drunken womanisers ... edit: so it's immoral to drink and womanise or something?

Feynman now has a rep of womaniser and mysoginist. ****, people tell about personal flaws of Gandhi and MLK. It's part of the package.

> definitely a womaniser, Curious - should someone who as consensual casual affairs with women be labeled as a "flaw"?

I don't know about other theoretician's love lives but wasn't Einstein also something of a womaniser? Is there a trend, perhaps attraction to great minds coupled with the person being so deep in their work as to disrespect normal social mores?

What I can gather from his Wikipedia page is that Kennedy, like Clinton was a good politician but a consummate womaniser. I have always wondered why citizens expect politicians to be 'moral' and whether 'immoral' politicians are necessarily bad leaders?

A womaniser is ipso facto incapable of any constructive activity. When carnal love becomes uncontrollable the person either murders somebody or commits *******.

Womanise definitions


have amorous affairs; of men; "He has been womanizing for years"

See also: philander womanize