23 example sentences using witty.
Witty used in a sentence
Witty in a sentence as an adjective
We don't hire anyone that witty as a rule.
Even if it is hilarious and witty. He jumps on a hot topic and gets the page views.
Jokes are just witty truths. The startup scene is increasingly becoming a joke.
If you can make me laugh and then think, then more power and karma to you, but most of us are unable to produce such witty insight on the fly all the time. We try.
That's very succinct, witty, and more or less diametrically opposed to the point of the OP on StackOverflow. Did you read it?
Does that mean it will be open to _anyone_ and no longer only to people considered to be "intelligent, creative, and witty"?
Also remember: "A witty saying proves nothing." Voltaire
It's grandiose posteuring and "witty" jabs disguised under a thin veneer of "legitimate discussion". It's like watching a pro wrestling match.
There's a difference between witty but offensive, and just offensive for offensive sake. Just being offensive is juvenile humor, and isn't all that funny.
However, the first person to respond to an item with a quick, witty, or snarky response gets rewarded with lots of attention. And that is a problem that can not be resolved by any of the suggestions so far.
Seeing everyone's successes, silly stories with the gang, witty blog post, mind-blowing hockey-stick-shaped-charts of "how we got to our 900 millionth user!" ...
"This is the blogging platform for creative, intelligent, and witty people. Membership by invitation only."
It's funny, witty, the drawings are great, and the author explains quite complicated concepts of functional programming very clearly. I've already read this book a year ago online, yet I'm still gonna buy it just to support the author.
I don't think he was being inane, witty, or that he is a part of one of the "worst forces at work in the world." He is simply stating that to advertise your product as spreadsheet software, it should probably include some of the features that users expect to be found in spreadsheet software.
I closed the original post as soon as I sampled the air of superiority that seems to be ever more present with some "intelligent, creative, and witty" developers and commentators. Hail the disruption.
Wienert was told something wasn't available to him because he's not witty enough, so he went and built it for himself. To compare this to someone stealing someone's intellectual property malevolently for personal gain is missing the point.
A setting that rewards short, sharp, witty remarks that skirt over the surface is just few small steps away from endorsing sarcastic, bitter, passive-aggressive or even over-the-top spurts. It's no wonder that no one who made those stingy tweets did respond to author's replies and questions.
Yeah, and spend hours and hours coming up with funny, witty, engaging prose, individually tailored, for people who are 90% unlikely to even respond. After awhile you start to feel like a putz, switch to simple one-liners, and discover to your surprise that it doesn't really affect the response rate by too much.
On occasion I find something interesting or witty, something I can appreciate. But most of the time I end up in very tired "special showings" of 2 steel plates welded together, or an exploration of albedo, black square on black #47 or some similar nonsense.
I really enjoyed reading everything else in the article and felt that it presented a serious miscommunication issue between builders and sales people in an otherwise very straight-to-the point yet witty and amusing fashion. Good post!
The bot should have sufficient business sense for pointing young entrepreneurs in the right direction, but should also contain semantic sense for responding in a witty and lighthearted way... for example, in Haiku.
There was a short period where I looked to snipe with some witty comment, but I quickly out grew that. I've made one post and I am rarely finding things pertinent to the tribe that haven't already been posted, so instead I look for new interesting content here and only open my mouth when I think I have something valuable to add to an existing discussion.
Guys, if someone dangled something in front of you with the initial impression that you could have one, and you wanted it, only later to find out that you actually can't have it and that those who could have it are "intelligent and witty", implying that you are not, then I think it's pretty safe to say that you'd run home, cook something similar up and run back to show that you have one now too. In fact, after reading the original article, I felt a bit slighted and thought to myself "fine, I'll just build it myself".
Witty definitions
combining clever conception and facetious expression; "his sermons were unpredictably witty and satirical as well as eloquent"