Grandiose in a sentence as an adjective

And the whole grandiose "Hacktivist" identity they've garnered is now looking more and more like its also ********.

It's grandiose posteuring and "witty" jabs disguised under a thin veneer of "legitimate discussion".

It's frustrating that Verizon and friends can make grandiose statements in their advertising about "unlimited bandwidth", "faster wifi" ,"stream 5 things at a time", etc, etc.

It takes a great deal of arrogance to talk of the world in such a generalized, grandiose way, without a shred of evidence apart from personal biases and inductive reasoning.

>How could anyone hope to accomplish anything halfway great without being grandiose, obsessive and deluded?That's a Hollywood cliched idea of creativity.

Grandiose definitions


impressive because of unnecessary largeness or grandeur; used to show disapproval


affectedly genteel

See also: hifalutin highfalutin highfaluting hoity-toity la-di-da