Witticism in a sentence as a noun

Or a clever witticism on how cool ducks are.

There's no witticism in his comment is there?

Bletchley park maybe not a witticism, more of an easter egg

What is the comical witticism referred to in the post script?

I'll have to modify my attempts at witticism in the future.

" Your witticism was correct; I'll take my next freeway trip at 75mph by way of apology.

That punch line witticism is an insufficient excuse for its pride of place as a starting sentence.

This is a nice witticism but I'm afraid it's not very connected to reality.

Joke [johk]1. something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement, as a witticism, a short and amusing anecdote2.

"Expecting us to extract that meaning out of some vague witticism was probably your mistake.

> The bitter/sarcastic tone this article takes toward the endThat's just how the Economist is. Many of their articles end that way, with some acerbic witticism.

I've cut out the middle - corrupt legislators creating corrupt legislation - which is what we actually have and also the sort of murk that doesn't lend itself to witticism.

The professors used to let a few of us smart-*** types hang out in their math department lounge where the order of the day was playing chess and Go, exchanging attempts at witticism, and avoiding work.

"I can't seem to locate the quote for this, but I believe there is a famous witticism on programming languages, which more or less states that arguments about the trivial issues of a language generate the most heated discussion, with syntax being simultaneously the most contentious and the least important.

How often have you written a clever turn of phrase, an insightful paragraph, or a poignant witticism, gone back and removed it to fix flow, and then re-wrote it, not getting the phrasing quite right?The ability to fix those types of changes, or to revert back to a paragraph "somewhere in the middle" would be huge.

Witticism definitions


a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter

See also: humor humour wittiness