Wispy in a sentence as an adjective

And font-weight: 300, because text looks best when it's a wispy gray blob.

"...wore one of those wispy skirts that always make me want to send God a fruit basket for inventing summer.

Suddenly, the music had no "soul", a wispy, intangible adjective.

> examine speculation\n\nThe wispy and insubstantial cloud seems formless at first, but if you stare long enough, you can almost see the shapes of your foes.

The page was near-unreadable for me because the CSS uses the font stack "courier,fixed,swiss,sans-serif", and courier is just too thin and wispy against a black background.

You haven't considered the outcome of not shaving, which is also that thick dark hairs grow, but you also have your wispy ends from before, so the overall result is thick, dark and long...

I predict something surprising with an ARM chip, maybe a rebooted 'iBook', combining a wispy form and unprecedented cores/battery-life.

By comparison, her arms and legs were wispy nebulas and the back of her head nearly invisible, with a grand total of maybe a hundred 'sites placed around her scalp like the vertices of a geodesic dome.

No, the reason the believe persists is because of all the people who have wispy unshaven hair, who think they're improving things by shaving it, but then who have more visible hair than they had before but now have to keep shaving it.

If there's some much as a wispy smoke trail animation off the back end of the rocket as it flies through the air, the sprite data isn't going to give you any indication where those particles should be waving about during your interpolated frames.

Wispy definitions


thin and weak; "a wispy little fellow with small hands and feet"- Edmund Wilson

See also: wisplike


lacking clarity or distinctness; "a dim figure in the distance"; "only a faint recollection"; "shadowy figures in the gloom"; "saw a vague outline of a building through the fog"; "a few wispy memories of childhood"

See also: faint shadowy vague