Wintery in a sentence as an adjective

I love using my MacBook to watch flash videos on wintery nights when I am too lazy to search for a blanket.

A smart testing team would make the effort to head for the mountains when the forecast calls for wintery weather.

Yeah but who would want to live in cold, wintery Iowa when you have the option of staying in a place that is warm year round.

I agree about the weather - mild/gray/rainy may be an improvement over wintery death.

But after living in socal, I discovered I really only need a few days a year of the cold wintery weather. And then I'm over it.

I don't live in a wintery place. The aggregate statistics do not represent my driving habits.

Norway being a cold, wintery country is something of a fantasy. The climate is much milder than you might except from the latitude.

Some statistics may not apply, for example if you don't drive drunk, or on very dangerous roads, or very fast, or in wintery conditions. Have you read about "gun death" stats?

Can't get much colder or wintery than Finland, Denmark, and Norway, but > For the second year in a row, the world's happiest country is... Finland!

Slightly off-topic, but going to UPower's site shows nothing but a somewhat sparse wintery forest. Perhaps I've too much sci-fi on the brain, but it made me think of a nuclear winter.

But they had no source of vitamin C. By the time the ship washed ashore near Cape Flattery on a wintery day in 1834, there were only three survivors. Most of their crewmates had died of scurvy.

Likewise a wintery new york could probably import power from sunny Florida. Most of these places get plenty of sun on average throughout the year.

Or the air filter which in wintery climates will fluff up from salt when it gets wet, a simple fix. Or corroded points on a distributor, or a loose battery cable, dead battery, bad spark plug wires etc.

From my experience in flying drones in wintery mountains, it could be a battery failure. Cold batteries suddenly drops in voltage, too fast for the failsafe mechanisms to trigger.

People in wintery climates who want SUVs want them because the roads are frequently uncleared, or because they need to travel at night during a blizzard when the snow is piling high. If snow and ice removal operated 24/7, I agree that a smaller car would be just fine.

Spend some time in actually wintery places, like the north of Sweden/Norway/Finland, or Siberia, and you'll find most people don't drive large vehicles. AWD and snow tires make a far bigger difference than raw size, and plenty of SUVs are utterly terrible in winter conditions.

Your message is a lot less effective than seeing a polar bear mommy drinking a coke on a wintery day or seeing kobe bryant dunk a basketball and popping open a bottle of sprite.

Most significantly to me, long distance transmission lines will hopefully allow sunny Arizona to sell power to wintery Minnesota. But I do agree about the pitfalls of complacency.

I've lived in both rural areas in secluded towns of less than 3000 people in the wintery north and in cities with 1 million+ metros that hardly get a few inches of rain, let alone snow. Different situations call for different tools and if one doesn't like their current mode of transport, they are always free to either move somewhere that fits with their lifestyle more adequately or simply change modes of transportation.

Imagine that people enjoy a temperature between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit, and some people live in a wintery area where the outside environment is -20 degrees, while others live in a sweltering area where the outside environment is 105 degrees. The Arizonan chilling his house down to 70 is maintaining a temperature differential of 35 degrees between the house and the outdoors.

But after growing up in freezing winter Russia, then cold rain Holland and now living in California, even though I do miss some of those wintery things, I’m sure glad to be back to no season coastal California every time I spend even a few days in a cold/dark northern hemisphere place.

Wintery definitions


characteristic of or occurring in winter; "suffered severe wintry weather"; "brown wintry grasses"

See also: wintry