Wilful in a sentence as an adjective

There's a wilful failure to mention what the files were.

It's either out of ignorance, or it's wilful, to save cash.

This seems more like wilful deception than a reminder that the company's other wares are widely used.

"Do no evil" is a declaration of hubris or wilful blindness: no moral agent fails to do evil at times.

But from a safety perspective "wilful pilot negligence" simply isn't good enough.

Companies often have no idea where their parts or materials really come from, although this may often be wilful ignorance.

How does 'crashed to reboot twice in a day' convert to 'it's very stable'?It's this wilful disregard of negatives that bugs me about Apple culture.

[2]It's a case that's so transparently political that arguing against it is nothing more than wilful ignorance of readily available facts.

The entire article seems to be founded on misconceptions about raytracing and a wilful misunderstanding of what is meant by photorealism.

"but they'll willfully call out other companies without solid evidence"Citation required of both wilful intent and of calling out without solid evidence, from both Arment and Gruber.

He also had to apologise for cases where the security forces had prior knowledge of ****** and did nothing about it and for the wilful destruction of evidence by the police and the army.

Wilful definitions


done by design; "the insult was intentional"; "willful disobedience"

See also: willful


habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition

See also: froward headstrong self-willed willful