Wholesaler in a sentence as a noun

I go to the guys house and he turns out to be some type of dealer/wholesaler.

When you steal from a store, that store had purchased a physical product from a wholesaler.

Hardly anyone buys those, so if you go there in the next hour they'll give you 20% off; otherwise it goes back to the wholesaler.

Most of the time they make very little profit from your used car, it's usually just resold to a wholesaler.

Not only that, but Microsoft isn't a direct retailer, they're a wholesaler.

The wholesaler distributes the publisher's cut, takes its own, and gives iFlow itself a cut of _less than_ 30% of the sale price.

I realize that's anecdotal but you can't write down high employee salaries as "Being just a wholesaler".

Or you could go to a diamond wholesaler and get what you want, right now, no hassle, and pay the associated overhead.

The wholesaler -> customer relationship is not the same as landlord -> renter.

The city is preferring a model where the wholesaler makes a profit at the transport layer and competes in a market at the retail layer.

* The used car dealer bought it from a wholesaler for $19,000* The wholesaler bought it from a wholesale auction for $18,000* The dealership who sold it at auction paid $16,000 as a trade-in.

I run e-commerce for a fairly large apparel manufacturer and wholesaler on the low end and have worked for other manufacturers.

Ethyl refused to grant dealer contracts to certain gasoline wholesalers, and often provided no formal explanation for their actions.

He noticed that what kept happening was that companies would start with lean margins, capture lots of customers, raise the margins, and collapse as soon as another wholesaler with leaner margins appeared.

Not only does the actual bookseller require a markup, but often there are two middlemen between the publisher and the bookstore: a distributor and a wholesaler who must each get a piece of the action.

Since wholesalers had to carry a wide range of products to survive, and since advertising had created enormous consumer demand for Ethyl, to be denied an Ethyl contract was in effect to be forced out of business.

The exclusion of unethical businessmen was especially aimed at those who cut prices, but it was a means of excluding from the entire fuel market any wholesaler who adopted practices which the oil industry disliked.

Wholesaler definitions


someone who buys large quantities of goods and resells to merchants rather than to the ultimate customers

See also: jobber middleman