Jobber in a sentence as a noun

A jobber falls off a roof, there is zero chance of the whole city being affected.

Or just quit your job as a surgeon, when you realize that you're making much less then some ********-jobber.

As a fan of Erlang and a former C++ day-jobber, I find this fascinating.

"When discussing jobs, by “job error” we mean the failure of a particular run of a job, whereas by “job failure” we mean a job that jobber has decided not to schedule anymore due to one or more recent job errors.

You need to find an answer why there is so little acceptanceBecause nobody cares if a jobber falls off a roof while installing a solar panel but if a technician is exposed to radiation everyone loses their minds!

Jobber definitions


someone who buys large quantities of goods and resells to merchants rather than to the ultimate customers

See also: middleman wholesaler