Wholeness in a sentence as a noun

Actually, the other side is a serene wholeness. It is the source of beauty.

Many people deny even the wholeness of the human species. Where is the mystery in your beliefs?

There's some sort of wholeness and peace to be taken from it. But it can certainly be aggravating, and I haven't accomplished anything near what I could.

My own personal and non-expert take is that message orientation is about the wholeness of the actors that pass messages." Would you care for a drink?"

The trend is towards greater compassion, deeper love and surrender, coming more fully into the wholeness of being!

Following on my own comment, I see this as meaning don't include any feature that doesn't directly contribute to the wholeness of the product.

A lot of my ideas of what would be good to do are based on Chris Alexander's idea of wholeness in which we actually have a better than 50/50 chance of telling what a 'good' transformation is. If it is less than 50/50 then very little will work.

It depends on context The original meaning was about wholeness: studying or managing something as a whole. It has been co-opted by alternative medicine, which is where you'll see the word most often.

Etymologically, health is based on wholeness. In classical Greek philosophy, health is harmony, which can be defined as integrated diversity.

They will never experience the true freedom, healing and wholeness that comes only through deep self-examination and a conversion process of equal or greater magnitude, that leads to self- and social integration. DRT only treats the most visible symptoms of addiction, and does nothing to treat the underlying cause.

We then begin to see the grotesquery—indeed, the impossibility—of an idea of community wholeness that divorces itself from any idea of personal wholeness. The first, and best known, hazard of the specialist system is that it produces specialists—people who are elaborately and expensively trained to do one thing.

Note that harmony isn't sameness, it is unity in variety -- the resolution of conflict and dissonance into an integrated wholeness. We want inner harmony with our selves, harmony in our relationships with others, harmony in society, harmony with technology and harmony with nature.

Wholeness definitions


an undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting; "the integrity of the nervous system is required for normal development"; "he took measures to insure the territorial unity of Croatia"

See also: integrity unity


a state of robust good health

See also: haleness