Whiten in a sentence as a verb

This article is right up there with 'one simple trick to whiten your teeth, dentists hate it!

I bet there are also plenty of people in the US who would never ever whiten their teeth.

Personally, I think it beats all the other ads about tips on how to whiten my teeth or lose 10 pounds.

What treatment lasts a couple hours?You can get very effective peroxide gel kits on EBay for under $20 USD that whiten for many months.

I mean, the future is already here, it's just spread around unevenly – and the same is probably true for our teeth whitening future.

I'm willing to bet that there are certain groups of people in Germany and Switzerland who are absolutely crazy about teeth whitening and for whom no shade of white can be white enough – both of us just don't know any of those people.

The finest and the fattest is for their board; the loveliest is for their couch; the best and bravest supply their foreign masters with soldiers, and whiten distant lands with their bones, leaving few here who have either will or the power to protect the unfortunate Saxon.

I could show you this one really simple trick that a mother found to whiten your server reputation, but...As far as creating a VM image that sets all this up for you, it's kinda the point that it doesn't exist; mailservers don't work well when run by people who don't really care about them.

While Boggle sounds like an interesting method of generating random numbers, I think that a better way would just be to whiten the "random pulse train" output from a Geiger counter next to a weakly radioactive sample and send the resulting numbers over a serial link.

Whiten definitions


turn white; "This detergent will whiten your laundry"

See also: white