Whirlybird in a sentence as a noun

That way people can easier pick believable words instead of unbelievable words like "whirlybirds" or 'discursively'. Maybe that's just me though.

Shock absorbing seats, an airframe that's designed to absorb impact energy, plus the autorotating main rotor that slows down the descent like a whirlybird toy. Some of Kamov helicopters, as mentioned, feature ejection seats.

Finally it came down to the grind as the last variable and it totally blew my mind how different the taste was whether I bought it ground from them or with my "whirlybird" grinder. Ground in store, made with a cheap drip brewer tastes infinitely better than ground at home with the crappy grinder and a French press.

I am reminded of former Governor Jerry Brown who released a swarm of whirlybirds dumping chemicals from the air ... throughout many California cities AND suburban.

Additionally whirlybirds don't want to operate too low as it substantially reduces their emergency landing sites even with auto-rotation. > On the **** side, there are clearly some quadcopter pilots that fly above the 400' limit, even though the FAA has asked operators not to.

Installed with whirlybirds on the roof and it also provides the benefit of pushing out the blanket of hot air in your attic to keep temps down... The only cons are how loud it is and the fact that it's uninsullated.

Whirlybird definitions


an aircraft without wings that obtains its lift from the rotation of overhead blades

See also: helicopter chopper eggbeater