Whiplash in a sentence as a noun

I got a little whiplash but I felt fine and was back to work that day.

I know they were just making room for a longer search string, but to yank it like that gave me whiplash.

Hips/shoulders first, then I felt my head whiplash into it. Without a helmet, I'd expect at least a mild concussion.

That's about right, but note that both Euler and RK4[1] have the same kind of "whiplash" failure modes when faced with out of band inputs.

When an author abandons characters so frequently, I get lost in the whiplash and quit reading.

"Many whiplash victims are also referred to chiropractors.

She'd just suffered severe whiplash when a directive from on high had told her that she would be setting up an interview for a candidate she'd ignored.

I meant the transition from being ''hot'' and persistently courted by many companies and recruiters to no longer being as desirable can be confusing, painful mental whiplash.

You don't have to do anything "insane" on a motorcycle to get seriously racked up. What would be a minor fenderbender in a car leading to minor whiplash, where the policyholder was trying to see how many neckrubs he could get covered, on a motorcycle can be them picking gravel out of your road rash and involve broken bones that don't want to mend right and require surgery weeks later.

Whiplash definitions


an injury to the neck (the cervical vertebrae) resulting from rapid acceleration or deceleration (as in an automobile accident)


a quick blow delivered with a whip or whiplike object; "the whip raised a red welt"

See also: whip lash