Werewolf in a sentence as a noun

But if it's a werewolf, it's the only way to **** them.

Not in the usual meaning, but in the way that's only useful for killing a werewolf.

If anyone's gonna stand up to those American werewolf's it's gonna be the British.

That bullet won't **** the complexity werewolf of course, but it will seriously cripple it.

You still need a weapon to fire the munition with, the ability and knowledge to properly use it, and the skill to actually land a lethal blow on the werewolf.

In fiction, niches are much less granular - at best, you can target, say, "werewolf-based romance", and for many projects, you'll be targeting "fantasy", "hard SF" or similar huge niches with very vague requirements and significant saturation problems.

Werewolf definitions


a monster able to change appearance from human to wolf and back again

See also: wolfman lycanthrope loup-garou