Weightlifting in a sentence as a noun

I first heard it from one of the world's most experienced weightlifting coaches, Lyn Jones.

I've always been in very good shape, lots of weightlifting and cardio my whole life, and been a very healthy eater.

Crossfit is different from traditional weightlifting, which seems to attract a certain class of people.

The best way to acquire the flexibility for weightlifting movements is to perform those movements.

For me, the most important lesson from Olympic-style weightlifting is that you can't cram for a competition.

I don't know why exactly, but the mood improvement is significant, lasting and one of the best benefits of weightlifting.

A better phrase would be: "Don't do stupid **** twice".Still better, in my opinion, is: "work on your weakness".My hobby is Olympic weightlifting.

Americans are more into protein and more into weightlifting than any other nation I've ever seen.

I love olympic weightlifting, and seeing somebody build a training aide using computer vision in an app makes me feel like living in the future.

Weightlifting definitions


bodybuilding by exercise that involves lifting weights

See also: weightlift