Watching in a sentence as a noun

Wow, watching that news clip reminds me about why I never watch the news.

... I told the school officers, [and] they started watching him really closely.

I grew up watching Star Trek: TNG and that episode is something to remember indeed.

That caught the attention of the guard watching that row of machines on the security camera.

Engaging in, and watching others have interesting discussions was for me one of the main things I loved about HN.

I spent a couple of days sitting there, masquerading myself as a bot, and watching the botmaster interact with the bots.

It's your preference for living by yourself, for quiet moments away from others, for nights spent at home, watching Netflix or playing games.

I lived there for one year, before moving to SF and while everybody told me I should constantly be watching my back, I mostly ignored it and was fine.

Numerous edge cases that would have been lost in high-level review were caught and integrated from day 1 due to my actually watching people do the job for a day or two per department.

"At the time, the only way to donate marrow was to basically have someone drill holes in your bones and drain your skeleton, which kind of terrified me. Nowadays, of course, most donations require nothing more than sitting still for a few hours with an IV watching television.

Probably nobody is ever going to use Dragonfly in the real world, but watching people pick apart a new crypto protocol in public is amazing and hugely educational.

This is the most fascinating part of the Bitcoin story: watching a group of people who are philosophically opposed to most elements of the modern economy discover, one by one, why all those elements exist.

We become intimately familiar with his three-year-old daughter's escapades with Cheerios and love of Phineas & Ferb.- Judging from the number of sirens, Jake apparently lives in a bad part of town or is watching Blues Brothers in the background.- Lucy has apparently joined while sitting in a conference room, attending another meeting simultaneously.- Robert joins 15 minutes late and would like everything he missed to be recapped.- Mark absolutely will not let the meeting progress unless someone is recording.

Watching definitions


the act of observing; taking a patient look

See also: observation observance