Washcloth in a sentence as a noun

Then again, a wet washcloth is a lot cheaper $122.

I put a warm, damp washcloth over my eyes twice a day.

* I just don't use soap, just lots of water and scrub the **** out of my skin with a washcloth.

Also, one can survive just fine with just a washcloth and towel, and a source of warm water.

So, no toilet paper and paper towels then?Just a washcloth and bidet?

One change that I have noticed is that it must be about two decades since I last owned a washcloth.

For the rest i use a coarse washcloth, and I think I come out cleaner than those slathering themselves with "product".

I find that just wiping the sweat off with a dry washcloth and putting on clean clothes cleans me up just as well as a shower.

I'm thinking of those times when a cold, wet washcloth is placed on the forehead of people with fevers to cool them down somewhat.

Label:“For everyday bodywashing: Get wet and pour soap full-strength onto hands-washcloth-loofah.

Interesting... I was just wondering that after seeing the first video - yeah, that's cool, but what are they going to do now with a soaking washcloth and drops of water floating around all over the place?

Situations where nothing depends on somebody getting their brain really deep inside a problem and then marinating on and being frustrated by it until eventually a bolt of inspiration knocks them over while they're washing their hair, causing them to hit their head on the washcloth rack on the way down, so that the idea tragically disappears down the drain along with the mingling blood and.

Washcloth definitions


bath linen consisting of a piece of cloth used to wash the face and body

See also: washrag flannel