Flannel in a sentence as a noun

"Grey flannel trousers are the ****" - Umm... ok.

Now, all we need is a flannel shirt version of this...

Just get some flannel shirts and jean-shorts, you're good to go with that story.

Or ****, sometimes opening doors is a flannel shirt, vintage t-shirt, and Converse sneakers.

There's nothing quite like a nice rainy day when you're drinking coffee and working on your computer, in a plaid flannel shirt.

Those sepia toned filters might actually make me rethink my opinion of the TSA. They should get plaid flannel uniforms and change their motto to "We were groping old ladies before it was cool"

One was clasping about his ribs a torn flannel waistcoat, another complained monotonously as his beard stuck in the tufted weeds.

If you just want to live the suburban kid raising life there's a lot more of them here, than in Manhattan, but that doesn't mean there's no flannel wearing hipsters at all LOL.

There are a few combos that work great for pretty much anyone:- Casual: Dark blue jeans, nearly any colour shirt, brown leather shoes - Charcoal slacks, black leather shoes, nearly any colour shirt - Khaki chinos, light blue shirt, brown shoes>"Grey flannel trousers are the ****" - Umm... ok. Why?

Blue-jeans are little changed from the 1940s and 1950s, in basic styles, as are t-shirts, cardigans, cable-knit sweaters, flannel shirts, and a whole mess of clothing that's geared principally for comfort rather than style.

You should be ashamed of yourself for accessorizing with flannel and other manly interests precisely because you do understand the anti-intellectualism behind it.

I, for example, never associated with grunge music, flannel shirts, or thought of myself as stereo-typically lazy, apathetic and unmotivated.> There is great music being made though we have to search for it nowYeah, but that's arguably true of any time period.

Y'know, this is a cute article, but as facilely as he refuses to accept that the present is not as weird as people thought - I'm wearing a flannel button-down right now as I type this in 2012 - the fact remains that I had a nice face-to-face chat with my dad yesterday, even though he's still on the farm in Indiana and I live in Budapest this year.

Flannel definitions


a soft light woolen fabric; used for clothing


bath linen consisting of a piece of cloth used to wash the face and body

See also: washcloth washrag


(usually in the plural) trousers made of flannel or gabardine or tweed or white cloth

See also: gabardine tweed white