Warlock in a sentence as a noun

And if he weighs the same as a duck, he's a warlock!

Just to have my warlock pet names in korean.

Are you some form of warlock, because I've yet to see them reply to many people.

I mean of the type "here's a warrior, a druid, and a warlock, find us something to do that can't just be googled".

Consider the HandLock deck in which a warlock draws a huge hand to abuse abilities involving hand size.

Finding night elf in Warsong, chasing them down, and watching their health drain from my warlock's curses was some of the most fun I've ever had in a video game.

It's true, I spent hundreds of hours healing Anson's suicidal gnome warlock in WoW before we ever started working together.

So I will also accept "apprentice computational warlock".

I hope you mean "We've plugged the standard bcrypt library into our web app." and not "We found a pdf describing bcrypt on the internet and one of our 'rockstar ninja warlock' devs stayed up for a week writing an implementation that no one else is using and no one has reviewed.

In my neighborhood in SF there was a guy who dressed up like a giant viking warlock with a leather pouch of coins that he would hand out to any homeless person who needed fare for the N-Judah.

Warlock definitions


a male witch or demon