Warhorse in a sentence as a noun

Oh it is, a warhorse is very expensive.

But they were still expected to take multiple warhorses into a battle in case one of them got killed.

It's strange to be feeling apprehension about degraded DX on a brand new dev machine vs my 8 year old warhorse.

But Nagios is a time-tested warhorse with a lot of community support.

I keep being intrigued by Notion but ultimately old warhorse Evernote remains the core of my knowledge system.

Wherein a user finds a single grievance that doesn't matter to 99% of the users, uses it as a warhorse and brings it into fully unrelated threads.

It's inane to claim the right to be a horse archer with government support, or blame the lack of means for a good warhorse on increasing inequality.

Shareflow and Wave address a common issue that everybody has to figure out: what to use instead of email, that old-warhorseThere have to be better ways for teams to work togetherShareflow looks like it is one way!

Also, I cordially invite you to try and organize the digging of ditches when 50 to 90 percent of your population has been killed, most of the rest are in rebellion because your rule was, frankly, never terribly popular, and the remaining percentage are currently facing down a thousand pound warhorse.

Warhorse definitions


a work of art (composition or drama) that is part of the standard repertory but has become hackneyed from much repetition


an experienced person who has been through many battles; someone who has given long service

See also: veteran old-timer oldtimer stager


horse used in war