Warehousing in a sentence as a noun

Now they want to try online retail with its logistics, warehousing, etc in emerging markets without a long term horizon.

The sole business of the former is to operate physical facilities, some of which are in Texas, and which provide warehousing and shipment of books for the latter.

Indeed, it is spending huge sums of money to build massive warehousing facilities all over the place in support of a long-term plan to achieve super-fast delivery.

Beyond that, the phone's ecosystem of photo apps plus the ability to drop photos into Facebook in seconds makes warehousing my old digital a no-brainer.

It lets them have regional centers for product warehousing so they don't have to ship cross-country, it lets consumers get products instantly without last-mile logistics problems, and it would let them gradually transition to their own in-house delivery for their regular products and not focus on the products that need instant delivery.

Warehousing definitions


depositing in a warehouse; "they decided to reposition their furniture in a recommended repository in Brooklyn"; "my car is in storage"; "publishers reduced print runs to cut down the cost of warehousing"

See also: repositing reposition storage