Wand in a sentence as a noun

So, wave a wand and say "a robot will do it".

Technically, yes.. waving your command line wand IS a solution.

But it's not a magic wand and it's not going to reduce the cost per person to orbit to the rough order of a year's salary for an engineer.

If we could wave a wand and be rid of these particular parts, we gladly would -- but until then, this transient boot-time issue needs to be manually mitigated with an additional reboot.

Since it is not in fact possible to wave a magic wand and get everyone to run LibreSSL, which isn't even complete, the virtues of auditing the OpenSSL codebase seem pretty straightforward to me.

Let this happen a few times without regulation and the market will demand trustworthy solutions, not some politician waving a magic wand and declaring something safe.

It is tough to pull a coherent thesis from this piece but it seems to be close to "be aware of the costs involved because, although specialised hardware can be useful in many situations, it is not a magic wand you can wave.

Wand definitions


a rod used by a magician or water diviner


a thin supple twig or rod; "stems bearing slender wands of flowers"


a ceremonial or emblematic staff

See also: scepter sceptre verge


a thin tapered rod used by a conductor to lead an orchestra or choir

See also: baton