Walkway in a sentence as a noun

If I slip and fall on your walkway, I can sue you.

"mall" meant walkway or promenade for a long long time.

This reminds me of the 1981 Hyatt Regency walkway collapse [1].

If you look at the places where people want to live and travel to, you don't see elevated walkways.

The beds would be bunks but with a bit more space as there would not be a shared walkway as happens on existing rolling stock.

But as built, the rods were not continuous, rather they connected each walkway to the one below.

To answer your question, the equivalency is thus:You ask: "If I slip and fall on your walkway, I can sue you.

This would mean that the load on any single joint between rod and walkway would be limited to the load on one walkway.

Services like operating the walkway and the tugs that push-back the plane from the gate are often outsourced.

The blueprints called for continuous suspension rods with walkways attached along their length.

I took down an AS/400 server once by tripping over two Type 1 token ring cables[1] that had been plugged together in the middle of a walkway.

The push-back and walkway are usually managed by the airport, the airline doesn't really have a choice in this particular case.

I had 2 flights the other week where they couldn't even get someone to move the walkway thingy in line with the plane so we all just stood around waiting after we landed.

Pretty much, nobody blinks at this behavior as long as you don't do something idiotic/dangerous like run an extension cord across a road/walkway or thru a puddle of water.

It's not a purpose-build walkway, it's a disused railway converted into what I'd rather describe as an extreme elongated park than anything particularly optimised for pedestrian traffic.

I'd like to take a moment to reflect on the fact that within five seconds of reading this comment, Google took me from "Issac Asimov Conveyor belt road" to [1], and a ^F for "Asimov" later I had "The concept of a megalopolis based on high-speed walkways is common in science fiction.

From the article: The arrests took place when a large group of\n marchers, participating in a second week of\n protests by the Occupy Wall Street movement, broke\n off from others on the bridge's pedestrian walkway\n and headed across the Brooklyn-bound lanes.\n\n "More than 500 were arrested on the Brooklyn\n Bridge late this afternoon after multiple warnings\n by police were given to protesters to stay on the\n pedestrian walkway," a police spokesman said.\n\n "Some complied and took the walkway without being\n arrested.

Walkway definitions


a path set aside for walking; "after the blizzard he shoveled the front walk"

See also: walk paseo