Voracious in a sentence as an adjective

I was a voracious reader as a child because that was the only world that did not judge me.

I was a voracious newspaper reader as a child and watched the nightly news without fail.

Don't get me wrong; I'm a voracious reader and I love the classics, Shakespeare, poetry, and all the like.

"I was an obsessive and voracious reader, but always an outcast.

If I had to identify a root-cause of Microsoft's failure, it would be its voracious business practices in the 1990s.

My guess is that a few generations of unparalleled abundance has helped atrophy a once voracious society.

Probably one of the most voracious shallow-water predators is the Northern Pike, which I've seen catch birds, mice and other animals many times while fishing in Canada.

What I have to say to that: Ooh rah!There are many stories like this out there, but unfortunately they don't get publicized much since our media & society has a voracious appetite for fear.

"A voracious reader – he has always taken periodic breaks from his regular routine to read about and ponder the biggest problems he has taken on – his conversation is littered with references to authors.

Voracious definitions


excessively greedy and grasping; "a rapacious divorcee on the prowl"; "ravening creditors"; "paying taxes to voracious governments"

See also: rapacious ravening


devouring or craving food in great quantities; "edacious vultures"; "a rapacious appetite"; "ravenous as wolves"; "voracious sharks"

See also: edacious esurient rapacious ravening ravenous wolfish