Vocation in a sentence as a noun

Got into comedy 'cuz it's the one vocation that lets you treat assholes like assholes.

Programming, and really any vocation you chose is like a city.

Anyone who becomes entrenched in a nichey vocation then strikes out at 50+ to find new employment is going to suffer.

There may be lots of mediocre and poor practioners in any vocation, but good programmers and not a dime a dozen.

Higher education isn't about learning how to perform in a vocation; it's about learning how to learn.

So you should expect to find eloquent and moving defenses of the current state of the vocation, and you should expect to find them compelling.

Whenever Amira Hass tries to explain her vocation as a journalist, she recalls a seminal moment in her mother's life.

This is a corruption of the original meaning of the first amendment, bolstered by our american language which refers to the journalistic vocation as 'the press'.

> there are also many who genuinely believe that they are doing a service for the marketYou make it sounds like HFT is some sort of non-profit, community service vocation, like teaching, or fire fighters.

We should also encourage HCI and usability design sensibilities as a technical vocation kids can pursue if optimizing sorting algorithms and the like isn't for them.

And what I'm learning, very late, is that it can take about that long to understand the true nature of "passion," and years to develop enough facility, experience and comfort with a particular skill or vocation before you actually understand what it means to be truly at home in something that has become a part of you, probably through years of cycling through thoughts of "this isn't my passion.

Vocation definitions


the particular occupation for which you are trained

See also: career calling


a body of people doing the same kind of work