Venting in a sentence as a noun

To me, it reads like he's just venting to his peers.

Great post for venting about the frustrations, I been needing to vent myself too.

It may be cathartic, but venting to a friend is probably much more productive.

This results in a lot of people venting off in the comments who would have otherwise simply down voted.

Sometimes I think Linus goes a bit far, but this time I think he's justified in his venting his irritation

Also why have they got 2 automotive fuel filters on top of that tank of red stuff and why are the filters venting to the atmosphere?

You might feel like venting right now, and you might have good reason to do so, but do it in your immediate vicinity, not on the Internet.

I have a feeling that you are just venting your specific personal frustrations in public while pretending that they represent some universal truth about Google.

For what it's worth, I was never trying to provide moral authority for hacking in the perjorative sense when I wrote it, I was just venting...But you're right, the rebellion was the delicious topping on the technical exploration sundae.

This could honestly be me venting my current frustrations, but I get tired of this type of advocacy, also often seen in the functional world, of proving how great something is by using the most trivial possible example, in a domain squarely in your technique's wheelhouse.

Venting definitions


the act of venting

See also: discharge