Venial in a sentence as an adjective

It's just a venial sin, not a mortal one.

But it seems harsh to make a venial sin into a mortal sin from this.

Where does a venial sin stop and a serious sin begin?

Their evil is venial compared to merchants of death.

Some possible contexts are a lot more venial than others.

Well not knowing what venial means is venial after all.

I remember him saying, "St. Augustine claimed that the children represent our venial sins and we must show no mercy in dashing them to bits.

Still, this is a venial flaw, because capacity for abstraction is such a big part of being a smart programmer.

Triggering a flamewar with an unintended turn of phrase—is venial.

Our legal system very much distinguishes between venial and mortal sins.

The venial sin isn't the problem, you're attempting to deceive God through manipulation.

I do not understand the UK's constant need for racism and exclusion, what a nasty, venial nation it has become.

They might even rationalize it's only a venial sin to bend things a bit, since fusion is so obviously a good thing to work on, right?

You might commit a venial sin and trust that a life of piety will outweigh it, but panopticon judges you on arbitrary moments.

Resorting to discrete novice / expert modes is a venial sin in UI design, but "personalized menus" is a mortal one.

Venial definitions


warranting only temporal punishment; "venial sin"

See also: minor


easily excused or forgiven; "a venial error"

See also: excusable forgivable