Venereal in a sentence as an adjective

One of the risks of sex is venereal disease.

Almost like it was a venereal disease that no one asked for nor wanted, more than an actual website.

And not just because it carries a much smaller risk of contracting various venereal diseases.

Personally, I've been shown way so many gross images of venereal diseases, that I I won't even touch without knowing I have protection.

Old people who think a monitor is a computer and the Internet is a series of tubes that young people use to give each other venereal diseases.

But I'm not going to pick troll husbandry or dwarven venereal disease over a usable user interface when it comes to what I spend time gaming on.

May be to reduce pleasure to decrease teen pregnancies which put a strain on families to raise a baby, or maybe slow down the spread of some widespread venereal disease.

Oh, do the cheerleader mine the data of the audience, and use it to create spam?If the cheerleaders were sleeping with the fans and spreading venereal disease your analogy would be nearly perfect.

Same reason we don't see any movement on the sky-rocketing rates of venereal disease: also regarded as normal, and discouraging the behaviors that lead to it won't get votes.

Venereal definitions


of or relating to the external sex organs; "genital herpes"; "venereal disease"

See also: genital