Valuate in a sentence as a verb

Afaik, it's a tool to valuate options, not an algorithm to trade or valuate mortgages.

There are plenty of automated ways to valuate domain names -- then just pick the unregistered ones that exceed some value.

You'll then realize you should valuate a person based on who they are, not their relationship status - and maybe you'll be better off. Or maybe I'm trying too hard to rationalize this behavior lol

It takes advantage of the fact that most people don't know how much privacy they're giving up nor do they have a way to properly valuate that in any case.

When I asked how I might possibly valuate these at anything other than zero dollars, they told me that this was just a standard bay area offer structure.

I used to work with a third party insurance claims specialist where they had a manually updated database of products to valuate insurance claims.

I'm sure a root private key from Verisign or something could give that a good run for its money on a byte-for-byte basis, though it's harder to directly valuate.

Everything said in the post is easy to conclude if you learn a little bit about negotiation and understand some more niche things like how to valuate shares of a company.

What's your model for billing and managing budget, strictly Time and Materials, or do you valuate the Planned Deliverables?Many thanks for a thought-provoking, and wonderfully complete, post.

LinkedIn really need to re-valuate where they stand, you know a situation is desire when many people share a similar sentiment and you have to resort to using Javascript hacks to unsubscribe from email notifications, it shouldn't be this hard.

>It's about scarcity: apparently the founders think that finding an investor with 500k is harder than finding the tech guySure, and this article looks like an attempt to educate the tech guy, thus making "tech guys who don't properly valuate their contribution" more scarce.

Proponents of this practice call it "value" of potential, they argue that banks can do this because if they lend 5$ for every 1$ they have, people who borrow these 5$ will really work their asses off and pay 5$ back, which means that banks valuate the "potential" of the market to create 5$ out of 1$.

It seems the focus was only on "Great founders have a very specific idea about where they are headed and what they want to do."The turning down of $1B was just in relation to Yahoo as an anecdote why it might not might stupid and generally about products that didn't exist in this form before and thus are impossible to truly valuate.

Those were the days, I badly miss today!And surprisingly I also fixed a very critical bug, that was the very first bug I had fixed in my Life.\nI started to realize, valuate & appreciate Open source & the reach of OSS!cython changed my perception about software!That marked my entry into OSS, and I was writing & optimizing for good code with standards and all the documentation.

Valuate definitions


evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of; "I will have the family jewels appraised by a professional"; "access all the factors when taking a risk"

See also: measure evaluate assess appraise value