Uproot in a sentence as a verb

" It's another to uproot your life based on that assertion.

It will take a massive effort by the public and by Congress to even begin to uproot it.

Instead he was forced to leave his tech job in the bay area, uproot his life and move to Canada to be with the person he loves.

$5000 is peanuts to work two weeks, uproot your life and reject other, more valid job offers, only to get sand kicked in your face for no reason.

But you'll slowly be moving backward as projects take longer than you expect, you undercharge, etc..You really may need to uproot your family.

Anyway, suggesting people merely uproot their lives seems like the height of insanity, and while many a brave soul do it, I don't think I ever could, not even for cancer-curin'.

It's too expensive, they'll uproot their families, etc. Do you think our grandparents didn't have those problems when they moved from the south to the rust belt to take those long-gone factory jobs?It used to be people moved to where the jobs were.

But something like the SimCity fiasco provides enough political cover for executives to be pushed out. Riccitiello may have already been disliked by some in the company, but otherwise had enough support that it would've been difficult to uproot him. With the SimCity problem, there's enough "Well, that was a screwup" grumbling going on to make it an easier push.

This works out great for them when it comes to retaining talent in Redmond as employees are usually not willing to uproot their lifestyle to head to 'greener pastures'.Contrast this to how Google handles compensation and employee retention.

Uproot definitions


move (people) forcibly from their homeland into a new and foreign environment; "The war uprooted many people"

See also: deracinate


destroy completely, as if down to the roots; "the vestiges of political democracy were soon uprooted" "root out corruption"

See also: eradicate extirpate exterminate


pull up by or as if by the roots; "uproot the vine that has spread all over the garden"

See also: extirpate deracinate