Exterminate in a sentence as a verb

Seems like a variant of the old MS strategy of "embrace, extend, exterminate".

If the elite is ruthless they may simply decide to exterminate the mass of humanity.

Well, while you can walk down the streets of Skokie and shout "exterminate the Jews", you can't walk down the street in Winnetka and say "exterminate that Jew".

They won't hate us, they won't want to exterminate us, but we will be so clearly inferior that our concerns just won't register very high.

It's a racist and genocidal policy the goal of which is to exterminate their ethnicity and culture.

It's not like today's earth-combat where we're all mostly equal and everyone has time to launch their nukes and we all die. this is all assuming that one side doesn't simply exterminate the other like a termite infestation.

The federal government, and the states, should do everything they can to exterminate them and to make anyone regret getting into such crooked work.

> Meier consciously skated away from the fact that colonials enslaved and exterminated other human beings in order to sell a game,I don't agree.

The French, for example, were rarely known to exterminate locals, on the contrary usually forged alliances and friendship with local populations.

**** germany annexed territories and then went on to systematically exterminate a race.

Keep in mind, humans had absolutely no compunction about inventing antibiotics to selectively exterminate entire species of bacteria that happened to inconvenience us. I'd hate to have something so powerful with the same kind of power over us. Technology enhances our lives now because we have agency over it, not the other way around.

The MIT bureaucrats who let this terrible machinery get out of hand will have to do some soul searching and stand public scrutiny, but until it can be shown that their raisin d'tre is to exterminate people, I think we should refrain from comparing them to the Nazis.

Exterminate definitions


kill en masse; kill on a large scale; kill many; "Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews, Gypsies, Communists, and homosexuals of Europe"


destroy completely, as if down to the roots; "the vestiges of political democracy were soon uprooted" "root out corruption"

See also: uproot eradicate extirpate