Untidiness in a sentence as a noun

Thus it makes no sense to manage tabs: they are an effect of untidiness, not a cause. What these features are hinting at is some better way to handle common [sites].

So it has less to do with 'energy drinks' and more to do with general dirtiness/untidiness?

It's kind of when you listen to people justifying their untidiness: they say they do know where to look for things. Yes, they do know, I'm sure, but can they find those things quickly, especially when "the **** hits the fan"?

You have more leeway for ugliness and untidiness once people understand whats happening.

Not just the way it looks, but untidiness translated into a tiny little worry-bubble in the back of my mind. I realised I felt free in a way I hadn't before.

And there's a certain point where all these things you are doing are ultimately to paper over the "hacks and untidiness" of everything. The introduction of systemd had two major effects: 1.

Obviously, it's the customers who have left them strewn on the pavement but in my mind, I associate that untidiness with Lime. Without their business, there wouldn't be scooters freely available to be left lying around.

Some people just can’t stand untidiness, yet learning to live with mid-process untidiness — and the associated anxiety — is a big step towards being more productive. It is certainly not easy.

I guess I’ve just never seen revolution as a solution to hacks and untidiness. Linting, guidelines and policy, with technically compelling reasons to encourage people to follow them have seen much more success, where I’ve seen them deployed, than centralized authority.

Describing yourself as "moderately obsessive" makes no sense, and being able to live with the untidiness means you are not compulsively tidying. A huge part of the problem with mental health problems is people using the terminology as some sort of 'badge of honor', as if it's something cool and trendy to have rather than an illness that can ruin your life.

Which is part of the untidiness of these trade deals happening outside of the WTO, but those global deals seem to be pretty dead; there are just too many parties involved with too many competing interests to come to a single deal that everyone's happy with.

Untidiness definitions


the condition of being untidy


the trait of being untidy and messy

See also: messiness