Unscramble in a sentence as a verb

If we can't unscramble our eggs how can we can unscramble China's eggs?

And with enough time, someone will be able to unscramble it.

If a credible expert can unscramble it, then reading it was not a "search".

> But to a large extent that egg cannot be unscrambledWell yes, that's exactly it!

Plenty of the gigs I've had have been mostly trying to unscramble really confusing code that mostly-works.

The phrase "scrambled" suggests that you might be able to unscramble it fairly trivially.

When you are programmatically trying to unscramble something that has been encrypted, you end up trying a bunch of different keys.

The music industry was never able to unscramble the egg after napster and the taxi industry is in the same position.

Imagine you have a couple of algorithms that scramble a solved Rubik's cube into a configuration that takes at least 20 twists to unscramble [0].

That's an unnecessary double negative and takes a nonzero amount of mental effort to unscramble.

The kind with shitty purpose-made “Hollywood Insider” trivia clips, or “unscramble the celebrity name” quizzes.

Despite how good this may be as soon as I see massive amounts of small grey text at the bottom of the page I immediately dismiss any of the main points on the page and lose interest in the product since I cannot be bothered to unscramble the important stuff they are trying to hide.

Unscramble definitions


make intelligible; "Can you unscramble the message?"


become or cause to become undone by separating the fibers or threads of; "unravel the thread"

See also: unravel unknot untangle unpick