Unordered in a sentence as an adjective

In practice it is on par or slower than STL unordered_map.

Suffice to say after I tried to mimic an unordered list with 12 div blocks I didn't get the gig.

"An object is an unordered set of name/value pairs", as mentioned by jasonlotito and others earlier.

The STL guarantees both iterator and address stability for the elements of a set, map, or the unordered variants.

For a data structure like an unordered map, you can use a hash table backed by an array for the imperative version, but you'll have to use a tree for the purely functional one.

One can send messages as unreliable-unordered, reliable-unordered, unreliable-ordered and reliable-ordered.

Unordered definitions


not arranged in order

See also: disordered


not arranged in order hierarchically

See also: ungraded unranked