Unobtrusive in a sentence as an adjective

As the blog post says, they are unobtrusive and only displayed when the Kindle is off.

This is a good, unobtrusive way for Firefox to get funding.

We work tirelessly to ensure that our scripts are small, unobtrusive, and do not harm your user experience.

I just want my browser to mark that link as dead and let me know in as unobtrusive a way as possible, "Hey, you clicked on some ********!

The message itself is unobtrusive, and I always provide a way for the user to dismiss it permanently.

It is unix with a consistent pretty unobtrusive desktop environment that is easy to use and has sane defaults.

I put a lot of effort into making the crawling as benign and unobtrusive as possible, so I definitely do NOT try to brute force devices.

In the context of javascript, "unobtrusive" means it is designed to degrade peacefully in browsers where javascript is missing or disabled.

Scriptable favicons can be useful and unobtrusive when used judiciously.

Tiny, unobtrusive, totally defensible, annoying policies will start taking hold.

Or do they just let their non-technical friends and family Deal With It?Perhaps one solution is to mark a post with "Family don't need to see this", then skip the post for anyone in Family who views their stream/feed/timeline/whatever, probably with an unobtrusive notice which says "post skipped".

Unobtrusive definitions


not obtrusive or undesirably noticeable; "a quiet, unobtrusive life of self-denial"

See also: unnoticeable