Unmarried in a sentence as an adjective

I told him that 4 years was a long time for an unmarried 25 year old and asked if 3 was acceptable. We shook on it, so to speak.

Many unmarried techies live in the same apartment and share a room and still have a maid/servant. These guys earn $500-$1000usd a month.

That is _one_ of the issues you will face as an unmarried "partnership." This is also the reason why those uppity gays are not content with the crumbs of "social unions."

Yes, my first thought was clearly this person is unmarried; they have no clue what passive-aggressive really means.

To remain unmarried, which includes associated costs and everything else that comes with that choice. In their case, we all win in one sense.

He's like one of those unmarried aunts who won't stop gossiping on other people's relationships because they don't have a life of their own.

I think it has more to do with the fact that if you're young, unmarried, with no dependents, you don't need much more than a studio or 1br apartment. You don't need to be zoned to decent schools or pay for private school and day care.

Who will unmarried guys 32+ marry: women ages 24 and above. It's not a self-imposed limitation - I might be fine dating 24 year old guys, but would a 24 year old guy date a 33 year old woman, with the intention to get married if all goes well?

Only the highest ranking officers have their own quarters, and the unmarried ones seem to spend half their leisure time dating or hanging out in the bar. Even the station commander's son has to have a roommate when he moves out of his dad's quarters.

A survey in 2011 found that 61% of unmarried men and 49% of women aged 18-34 were not in any kind of romantic relationship, a rise of almost 10% from five years earlier. Another study found that a third of people under 30 had never dated at all."

Given that the practice creates a surplus of unmarried men, shouldn't unmarried women become an asset instead of a liability? Shouldn't unmarried men be a huge force against the dowry system?

My brother, being yet unmarried, did not keep house, but boarded himself and his apprentices in another family. My refusing to eat flesh occasioned an inconveniency, and I was frequently chid for my singularity.

"Miss" implies a woman is unmarried; "Mrs." implies that she is married and the surname is her husband's; "Ms.", appropriately for professional communication, makes no assumptions about her marital status.

Also interesting: "At 27 years of age, 34 percent of young adults were married, 20 percent were unmarried and living with a partner, and 47 percent were single, that is, not married or living with a partner."

Assuming, of course, that "entrepreneurs" are a: male, b: heterosexual, and c: unmarried. Surely, any decent programmer knows the difference between "majority" and "all", and the algorithmic failures that occur when you mistake one for the other.

The Taliban are not articulating an alternative approach to Afghan nationalism, they're religious radicals that think it's OK to assassinate 12 year old girls, stone unmarried lovers to death, and behead their political opponents. When the freedoms you're fighting for consist exclusively of oppressing other people, then your cause is bankrupt.

There's a lot more potential hand-contact with menstrual blood when using a cup than pads, and while someone in the western world might scoff at the idea that using a cup could "ruin" a women's virginity, that could be a real concern for an unmarried girl in rural India.

They were only happier than unmarried individuals." married parents did not differ in satisfaction or happiness from married people without children, but unmarried parents reported lower happiness and satisfaction than their childless counterparts" In Study 2, the discussion section points out the selection bias inherent in this particular investigation."

Proper Noun Examples for Unmarried

Unmarried women are reluctant to have sex for fear that it will lower their ability to find a suitable husband, and as a result unmarried men have difficulty finding women to sleep with. One traditional solution to this problem is for unmarried couples to sleep together on the understanding that if the woman gets pregnant the man will marry her.

Unmarried definitions


not married or related to the unmarried state; "unmarried men and women"; "unmarried life"; "sex and the single girl"; "single parenthood"; "are you married or single?"

See also: single