Uniting in a sentence as a noun

\nThey pull a lot of tricks to prevent the opposition parties from uniting.

Another way of titling this would be, "How the internet is uniting humanity.

I'm not sure uniting would be a good idea, however; having separate projects focused on separate needs seems to be a good thing to me.

"Peaks of knowledge" have existed throughout our collective history and the single uniting feature of each is that they are never peaks.

Their former CSO was Max Kelly, who is ex-FBI, and would give talks about **** like the need for "uniting" military and commercial "cyber defense.

They came close to uniting Eurasia into a world empire, and in so doing they spread throughout it technologies like paper, gunpowder, paper money, or the compass and trousers.

One of the things I love about it is that it starts with Maxwell's equations, in their non-simplified form, then goes into the special cases of electrostatics, magnetostatics, and then uniting them into electrodynamics.

I was also impressed by how mature he sounded when talking about his future plans; taking things step-by-step, and wanting to volunteer and become a humanitarian worker before working on uniting Korea and contributing to world peace.

> No wonder the American people think this Republican Congress is from another> planet -- they're more interested in life in space than Americans' livesAnd I guess Democrats are more interested in taking jabs at the opposition than they are in uniting the nation in something other than war or fear.

Uniting definitions


the combination of two or more commercial companies

See also: amalgamation merger


the act of making or becoming a single unit; "the union of opposing factions"; "he looked forward to the unification of his family for the holidays"

See also: union unification conjugation jointure