Amalgamation in a sentence as a noun

The amalgamation of wabi and sabi in practice, however, takes on much more depth.

I think current situation is amalgamation of two distinct problems:1.

It may be that our brains are nothing more than an amalgamation of some 300 million or so interconnected hidden Markov models.

Do we call this amalgamation of languages a third language, then?I think there needs to be a distinction based on varying levels of fluency; I see it as a major contributing factor.

Common Lisp is the careful amalgamation of years of extrordinarily expensive research and learning by some of the brightest minds on how to solve some of the hardest problems in computing.

You see it in stuff like SharePoint or G+, the horror stems from trying to do much, no matter how well you do the core things, the amalgamation is horrific to behold, unfocused, a sprawling tapestry of decay.

Amalgamation definitions


the combination of two or more commercial companies

See also: merger uniting