Uninfluenced in a sentence as an adjective

"Choice," true---but not free and uninfluenced, as you imply.

Rather, he'll ask logical, uninfluenced questions, like "Do I need this at all? Why would I get this rather than that?"

Think independently and make your own conclusions that are uninfluenced by all the people on the Internet that are wrong.

The only thing that matters is that the human 'story' remains uninfluenced by exposure to external truth. \nBut there's nothing wrong with you working it out for yourselves.

I can't think of a better starting point than Wikipedia if we want to achieve an uninfluenced discussion. It's almost guaranteed to be less biased than the primary source.

So, if someone can make a 100% original, 100% uninfluenced work, I am fine in giving that person indefinite copyright.

My criticism of the latter approach is that you can't just assume that investors' actions will be uninfluenced by their newfound superpower. It will allow them to get better terms, for example.

Environment which is entirely uninfluenced by the brokenness of x86. [1] Then we'll talk about independence of layers.

> While I agree with the main premise of the article, that game designers need to take a critical, uninfluenced look at the genres they design games for, it feels like the author hasn't attempted to play a game in the last 10 years. The article was written in 2005 so that seems like a correct assessment.

I actually agree with you on this - but the Xbox came from a department that is segmented off from the rest of the company and uninfluenced by the rest of the corporate culture. The company made a breakthrough there, but in recent years they haven't been able to repeat that.

> If we subscribe to the belief that ideas can be judged within a vacuum, uninfluenced by the social weight of their proponents, we perpetuate a system in which arbitrary markers like race and gender influence the perceived correctness of ideas. What?

But the second was an external liquidity crisis uninfluenced by the fundamentals of startups. In the aftermath of both crashes, billions in value were created by small teams of software engineers in Silicon Valley, and that's real earnings/cash flow.

> If we subscribe to the belief that ideas can be judged within a vacuum, uninfluenced by the social weight of their proponents, we perpetuate a system in which arbitrary markers like race and gender influence the perceived correctness of ideas. I don't understand this.

It's not like advertising-supported content was ever uninfluenced by its advertisers.

Patent legislation casts a wider net only because there's no effective way to assess the validity of someone's claim that "I invented this independently and was uninfluenced by your invention." You and notch are in the technically wrong column on this one.

No. According to a quick google search, "objectivity - judgment based on observable phenomena and uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices." There are many types of error, and they aren't all the same.

While I agree with the main premise of the article, that game designers need to take a critical, uninfluenced look at the genres they design games for, it feels like the author hasn't attempted to play a game in the last 10 years.

> No. According to a quick google search, "objectivity - judgment based on observable phenomena and uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices." You just tried to deny the accuracy of a definition by quoting the definition of the word's antonym.

If you were born on earth and learned an earth language as your first, how do you come up with a language that is entirely uninfluenced by the culture you grew up in, a brand new protolanguage? How do you even confirm that anything you created is so new that it stands entirely outside of your culture's previous ingrained assumptions and interpretation of reality?

Are you making the claim, then, that there's absolutely no overlap between the fields of marketing and design, that conversion is solely the responsibility of marketing, that conversion is completely uninfluenced by design, and that being able to fill multiple roles is a waste of time for everyone involved? Otherwise I'm having difficulty following your train of thought here.

There's a reason that the responsible disclosure and the distinction between content and advertising has existed as an ethical guideline for decades longer than the Web has, and that's because "content creators should get paid by the subject of their content but be uninfluenced by the money" is a horrendously childish view of the world.

Having blind faith that important state is located there is perhaps unwise, and certainly it is hard to demonstrate, but assuming that the experimenters are entirely un-entangled and uninfluenced causally, that there's no interesting modified state in the experimenters or measurement apparatus at all, would, to my mind, also be a mistake.

Uninfluenced definitions


not influenced or affected; "stewed in its petty provincialism untouched by the brisk debates that stirred the old world"- V.L.Parrington; "unswayed by personal considerations"

See also: unswayed untouched