Unhinge in a sentence as a verb

You unhinge the second monitor and hand it to them.

If we want to make progress, we need to unhinge users' thoughts from old concepts.

It should bring tears to your eyes, unhinge your nervous system and knock you out.

I'd be concerned that the increased attention from a documentary would unhinge him further.

I have a friend who may be starting to unhinge a little bit. Whereas I have some sort of stoic “this is completely out of my control and will happen or it won’t” response that is probably not that much more rational.

He's also a somewhat unhinged and deeply horrible person.

People simply don't stay sane if you stick them in total isolation and then unhinge them from any causality independent of their own thoughts.

The vast majority of our interactions with the world are institutionalized to a point where one president can't unhinge them.

"Hyperfocus" is kind of true in that when you unhinge from that mental priority list you stop feeling the distractions, but the problem is you don't exactly get to choose what you want to focus on.

If there's giant pressure or stress behind \n something, it could force me to act, but otherwise nothing.\n\n "Hyperfocus" is kind of true in that when you unhinge from that \n mental priority list you stop feeling the distractions, but the \n problem is you don't exactly get to choose what you want to \n focus on. \n\nGet out of my brain!

Because convincing society to unhinge profit from living expenses is far more difficult of a prospect politically in this country than even handing people money directly.

If one wanted to unhinge the economic power of the US, destroy its international partnerships, divide its population to the point of war, and assault reality itself with the daily gaslighting chambers... I couldn’t imagine better execution than this.

Unhinge definitions


disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed; "She was rather perturbed by the news that her father was seriously ill"

See also: perturb disquiet trouble cark distract disorder


remove the hinges from; "unhinge the door"