Unfixed in a sentence as an adjective

Well so far it's been unfixed for 3 years.

[edit] Not to mention that fairly major bugs go unfixed for a very long time.

Which has a posterization bug so big you can drive a truck though it, making it of little value for HD. Still unfixed after at least three years.

Put up a whiteboard, show how many days left, how much money is left, the list of unfixed bugs, and whose name is next to it.

I understand why it's occurring, but it seems bizarre that such an obvious flaw has gone unfixed for so long.

It can't **** off the people it needs to **** off in order to get it fixed, so chances are it will stay unfixed indefinitely.

Or that it has a nice platform overall, despite having the occasional 2 year old unfixed bug...That said I've seen 2 and 5 year old unfixed bugs in open source software too. Come to think of it, Webkit, which powers Mobile Safari, is open source itself.

It's kind of amazing that this is still unfixed given how poorly the font rendering makes pages look and the fact that every other Windows browser handles it with aplomb.

Even back in 2002, the writing was on the wall for ColdFusion as the costs went up and many bugs[1] had gone unfixed for multiple major expensive releases during the legacy-customer milking phase of fading out of the market.

Maybe seeing such a mass of crowdfunding income towards a project to pick Truecrypt apart, in contrast to the scant donations to its development, disheartened the authors towards further work?Abandoning it in this rather dramatic way ensures that Truecrypt's users are warned against using unsupported software where any bugs will remain unfixed.

Unfixed definitions


not firmly placed or set or fastened


lacking definition or definite content; "nebulous reasons"; "unfixed as were her general notions of what men ought to be"- Jane Austen

See also: nebulous