Underage in a sentence as an adjective

So I'll be the guy to ask it: What's the problem with underage workers?

First I would like to say I am not in support of underage workers, I would never be.

"OMG, two guys behind me talking about having sex with underage gurls!

But it just pains me to see people generalize that the goal is to 'help' underage workers.

How would they have known she was underage, yet not known that it was bottled water not alcohol?

In court the judge admonished them for grinding up on underage girls on their surveillance videos.

Had never tried, so I just tried to create an underage account at Yahoo, they handle it thusly:Please get your mom or dad!

Why would it be appropriate in any situation to pull a weapon for a possible underage drinking charge?

Having operated a service similar in some ways to Skout, banning underage users is not the answer if you actually want to help them[1].

I also know people who use ***** illegally, as well as participate in or facilitate underage drinking, and I don't have a problem with any of it.

The fact is, it's socially acceptable, among my social circles, to pirate, to use *****, and to {participate in,facilitate} underage drinking.

Casually lumping in underage use of alcohol and tobacco is purposefully misleading.

No it's not, but what's their best option?Of course, not all situations are like this, but for situations where underage workers are actually working, there is a strong trend that this may possibly be the case.

The sexist double standard in statutory rape convictions where both parties are underage is not only incredibly unjust to young males but insulting to the young women.

Just a guess: more white females than black females go to college, where they have plenty of opportunities for underage drinking, ********* use, trespassing, vandalism, or other minor crimes.

Their security and ID-checking measures are all taken very seriously, you simply never hear about them letting in underage kids or folks without medicinal permits.

Underage definitions


not of legal age; "minor children"

See also: minor nonaged


dependent by virtue of youth