Undefined in a sentence as an adjective

When overflow is defined and when it's undefined.

* Also use "set -u" which makes the script stop on undefined variables.

Since ojects are hashes[...], our constant with the wrong key will be undefined, and will happily bleed into the callee.

Hashmaps does not actually require unmapped keys to return nil or undefined.

The correct solution for this problem of undefined is to do nothing!If someone redefined undefined and it causes a problem - too bad!

Some callbacks, like setInterval and setTimeout, pass the global object rather than undefined.

When the caller is strict mode code and the function is called without method-call syntax, undefined is passed as the this argument rather than the global object.

* '5' - 3 should return undefined, since subtracting from a string typically doesn't produce a reasonable result.

Common Lisp allows references to undeclared and undefined things, and generates runtime errors should they not be defined by then.

This seems to stop them from hijacking any subdomains, and it's not an A record so undefined subdomain names do not resolve, just like if you had not defined them in the first place.

Now, you could argue that optimizers shouldn't make such extensive use of undefined behaviour, which leads to these kinds of bugs, but it is perfectly valid for a C compiler to do so.

Does this mean that other implementations now need to change their behavior as well?Or, worse, what if there is certain behavior that should be explicitly left undefined in a proper specification?

Your identity has been subsumed, and to prove it I'd like to point out that your livelihood is now in a great part dependent on your allegiance to my completely undefined and arbitrary value system.

To have a unique interpretation, a program must not execute any of the 191 kinds of undefined behavior, nor depend on any of the 52 kinds of unspecified behavior, that are described in the C99 standard.

Despite being well warned about avoiding overflows and other undefined behaviour only 35 of the 78 submissions passed the test suite[2].Even a trivially small 2 line C function can result in different results on the common compilers depending on which compiler and which optimisation level you use[3].

Undefined definitions


not precisely limited, determined, or distinguished; "an undefined term"; "undefined authority"; "some undefined sense of excitement"; "vague feelings of sadness"; "a vague uneasiness"

See also: vague