Uncovering in a sentence as a noun

I'm so grateful we have people like Willem Pinckaers uncovering these things.

And when I read her blog it makes me happy to see someone with that joy of uncovering mysteries.

While much of the bill is targeted at uncovering those involved in child pornOf course.

This is not a blog entry about uncovering the seedy side of Google and how they abuse their employees.

Where is the investigation uncovering a warehouse full of goods?

Design is really about uncovering novel ways to improve people's lives, and doing so in the simplest way possible.

This isn't about uncovering the truth about ergonomics and keyboard layouts.

And, uncovering someone as a user or creator of child pornography without having a trial... nothing could go wrong there.

Despite the hype, most people aren't especially good at uncovering original content.

You aren't really uncovering anything unique or special.

Dedicated to uncovering the stories that the professional left hopes will never see the light of day,"I do not wish to start a debate over the politics of big media.

>They send a young man to prison for 35 years for uncovering possible war crimesIf he was uncovering war crimes, did he first try to report them through his chain of command?If not, then I really don't think this is a defence.

In case anyone else missed it on the first pass: the article mentions that the FBI "went so far as to come up with assassination plans on Occupy Wall Street leaders," but the linked source[0] describes the FBI uncovering an assassination plot, not making one themselves.

This has resulted in the Gulen people uncovering a ton of dirt on AKP members, including mind-blowing corruption scandals that include millions in cash being kept in shoeboxes in the personal residence of the owner of a national bank and important people being complicit, including the PM Erdogan's sons.

Your intention was not to explore your passing interest in labor, class or race, but to feed your own self-importance by uncovering a made-up conspiracy of class warfare at Google, where the man is oppressing a silent minority of underclass poor people from enjoying the rights and privileges of the ruling overclasses.

Uncovering definitions


the removal of covering

See also: denudation stripping baring husking


the act of discovering something

See also: discovery find