Uncoerced in a sentence as an adjective

Free and uncoerced people will try all sorts of things to avoid coming to that point.

[0] no one is putting a gun to his head, but if it's either work or starve you cannot call it uncoerced.

Leisure time to think freely and uncoerced is essential to achieving that mode of thought.

You keep raising pay until people are willing, uncoerced, to take jobs that they don't find "fulfilling".

Like any human being who makes an uncoerced decision, they have a responsibility for the decision they have made.

It's obvious that the perfectly rational choice between starving today or getting a tumor 20 years from now is completely uncoerced.

Sure, this was in large part about who has the most guns, but it's not like the UK control of HK itself was a result of a free and uncoerced agreement of the parties, either.

"Arranged marriages were quite a success story"If that were true people wouldn't automatically switch to love marriage when uncoerced.

That itself I think will lead to a significant decrease in military activity because free uncoerced citizens can stop their governments from engaging in such self-destructive acts.

An uncoerced transaction must result in each person getting something they personally value more than what they are giving up or the trade will not take place, meaning that if you measure society by how much people believe they have, all free transactions produce a net gain.

There is still a dramatic misunderstanding of arranged marriages in the West because many fail to appreciate that in many cultures, everyone involved is consenting and uncoerced.> "Should we eliminate indigenous cultures because their coming of age ceremonies are barbaric forms of child abuse"Only if the children are non-consenting.

Uncoerced definitions


not brought about by coercion or force; "the confession was uncoerced"

See also: unforced willing