Unchanging in a sentence as an adjective

Knuth spent 10 years working on TeX and he worked on what was then a fairly unchanging problem domain.

I think he'd rather Twitter take a firm, unchanging stance as to their policy toward third-party applications built on the Twitter-as-a-platform concept.

In the future the idea of a user experience where your files and program's were locked onto the hard drive of a single computer, accessed through a static, unchanging desktop will be absurd.

The fundamental reason why not is that Dijkstra's reasoning assumed the existence of a consistent, unchanging specification.

Sure, the lower receiver alone is little more than a big paperweight, but it's the unchanging core to which all other variable components are attached to form something functional.

Where is it written that people have a right to live in an unchanging world?The same things these people are complaining about are the same thing old Southern white racists complain about -- this becoming a minority majority country.

In particular, people can't resist straight-line interpolations based on current prices, as if prices don't change and we have an infinite pool of resources to draw on at unchanging prices, so it's just a matter of scaring up enough money.

Crucially this includes unchanging moral certainty for the housewives, as well as unchanging poverty for Leo and unchanging profit for the media/various related industries.

" Names, essences in the process view expanded further along the ontological spectrum than the ad hoc naming of Occam/nominalism, but never so far as Platonic 'ideals' which are eternal and unchanging.

I think PG is actually arguing something closer to the opposite of this - instead of property being a natural concept with a single, universal, and unchanging definition, it is something a bit more ephemeral.

And all of this "nature red in tooth and claw" **** - "most human beings through the millennia have existed in a naturally brutal, unchanging, and impoverished state" - who is he to spit on thousands of generations of living, breathing people, and say their lives were ****?

I feel sad that no comments got to the core - the unchanging corporate mentality of "man, here's some fertilizer, cement or whatever, dump it somewhere and you'll get bonus if it's fast".This happens right now too, as you can see from the totally void answers of anyone from Lynas, and that's the main reason why they want to spend huge ammounts of money for shipping to Malaysia - it's still much cheaper than respecting the western environmental laws.

Unchanging definitions


conforming to the same principles or course of action over time


showing little if any change; "a static population"

See also: static stable