Ultramarine in a sentence as a noun

If the star were moving toward you, then it would blueshift up to 481nm, an ultramarine blue.

The classic example of this is ultramarine blue in the Renaissance.

Painters often had to have their patrons supply the ultramarine if they wanted blue in their painting.

The ultramarine leans towards the violet and the phthalo, to varying degrees, towards green.

So paints may have varying quantities of red ochre, titanium white, carbon black, ultramarine, cochineal, etc.

Ultramarine in a sentence as an adjective

Likewise, a blue that is ultramarine at high concentrations appears cyan at low concentrations, allowing it to be used to mix green.

Sargent did a lot of watercolor in sketches in Venice with just ultramarine, cerulean, raw sienna, burnt sienna, and a tube of white.

Worth noting that today, we have a synthetic ultramarine widely available and cheap in a Blue and a Violet hue; there was a Green hue but that's not currently being manufactured and isn't easily available.

When the audience do not appreciate the three hours I spent on the title's kerning or decision on the thickness of the boarder or the difference between ultramarine to navy, I do feel a sort of defeat that can result in a "why do I bother" attitude.

Ultramarine definitions


blue pigment made of powdered lapis lazuli


a vivid blue to purple-blue color


of a brilliant pure blue to purplish blue color