Typology in a sentence as a noun

You do realize the Meyer-Briggs typology has been abandoned in favor of more meaningful tests?

I do wonder if this could be reduced to psychological typology or self-image though.

They can even put branded authors together in a specific collection just to keep in line with their typology.

"Bad behaviour online is so common that it has generated its own typology of abuse.

If one or both of these measurements fell in the bottom or top 2% on a given day, we labeled it an "anomaly" according to the typology above.

I think what I really was looking for was a pan-traditional typology with semantic notes... maybe it doesn't exist, and your project can become one?

Watts per square meter is a reasonable way to make a back of envelope calculation for the energy use of a common building typology.

It is important to note that internality and externality represent two ends of a continuum, not an either/or typology.

It presents a typology of built environments and makes the important point that human-scaled, walkable environments are found throughout the world and share some important advantages that the recent places we've built do not.

Ideally the default typology should be an extremely efficient and economical net-zero rectangle oriented for maximum solar gain.

Typology definitions


classification according to general type