Turtleneck in a sentence as a noun

Sure, it wasn't just about the guy in the turtleneck, but it was fantastic.

To my mind, the bow-tie Steve and the turtleneck Steve are almost two different people.

Of course they could leave it up if they wanted to, but it's as much part of Apple folklore now as Steve's turtleneck.

Fortunately, someone put on a turtleneck and got this covered.

The point of this article isn't the damned turtleneck -- the lesson to learn is that Jobs was best friends with Issey Miyake.

Does the author expect everyone to wear the same mock turtleneck, levis, and new balances too?

Steve wore full beards during the early turtleneck era with frightening consistency.

Same jeans, sneakers, turtleneck every day. Hey, it's perfectly functional, why would anyone want to vary things or look different?

I could get an ultra-black turtleneck to make it look like my disembodied head and hands are animating themselves.

The employees didn't like the idea so Jobs decided if they wouldn't have one he would anyway and got the turtleneck designed.

These guys may be good but from the photos here most seem to be reading from a prompter screen and they just don't seem to have the look-into-your-eyes "believe me, this is the greatest thing ever" stare that Steve Jobs could do. Also, the black turtleneck may be untouchable, but rumpled blue shirt?

>> "He wore that famous black mock turtleneck, Levis, and New Balances not to make a fashion statement, but almost for the complete opposite reason: so he didnt have to think about what to wear"If I recall correctly that's not true.

Turtleneck definitions


a sweater or jersey with a high close-fitting collar

See also: turtle polo-neck